Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Baby Snakes

I forgot to tell you about Zinger's encounter yesterday morning. I walked into the dining room and she was playing with something; I thought it might be a cricket. I look and in my still-sleepy state, I think "That's a really long worm." I looked again and it was a baby snake!! Ewwwww!!!! I have no idea how it got into the house but ewwwww!!! Zinger was having a grand old time.

Then I got to work and there was a baby rabbit and a frog in the building!! It seemed to be wildlife day yesterday lol.


  1. What did you do?? I hope your husband was there!

  2. Screamed like a girl and had David get it and put it outside

  3. I would freak at the sight of a snake. Many years ago when I lived in the country. I went out to the kitchen, to my surprise, coiled around the bottom of my electric percolator was a snake. Not a baby one either. Luckily one of my sons friends got it out.

