Dollar Stretcher Guest Bloggers
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Monthly Food Cycles
by Michelle in Rolling Meadows, IL
I attended a class that discussed the monthly food cycles that grocery stores rotate through, and I decided, "There's no way I'm going to remember all this stuff." So one lazy weekend, I printed all the information on address labels, and put them on the appropriate month in my calendar. The following are the items I posted to my calendar:
January - Football food: chili,chips and 2 liters of pop
February - Valentine's Day: candy and chocolate (which I freeze and use in future baking recipes)
March - Frozen foods
April - Spring cleaning: cleansers and paper products
May - Summer BBQ prep: condiments and meats
June - Beat the heat: ice cream
July - Summertime: sodas, more condiments, hamburger patties and buns
August - Breakfast: frozen waffles, cereal and juices
September - Back to school: lunchbox snacks, drink boxes, packaged lunch meats and canned soup (I don't have kids, but I use this info to pack my lunch for work.)
October - Frozen foods and baking products (in preparation of the holidays)
November - Foods to warm you: hot cocoa, coffee, tea, canned soups and foods and Thanksgiving staples
December - Holiday parties: party platter foods, cold cuts, sour cream, dips, chips, crackers, ham, stuffing, potato mixes, butter, pie fillings, pie crusts and soups
Now I don't have to remember when is a good time to shop for sales on particular products. And, if I have coupons, I can hang onto them in anticipation of these monthly sales!
I would think that this information could really be helpful in a couple of ways. It seems like it would help me to be more organized as to when to buy things. I think that would in turn me to save some money. I tend to over shop.
I think it will help us in terms of combining coupons with the cycles so that we can stock up as much as our storage areas will allow.